Are You Willing to Adventure into Faith?
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Together we are enough to face fear, sickness, grief, loss, tragedy, trauma... any of the suffering we encounter in life.
Contemplative posts from the pastor of Living Table.
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Together we are enough to face fear, sickness, grief, loss, tragedy, trauma... any of the suffering we encounter in life.
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It is a good practice to check in now and then and ask ourselves what we need for this moment, especially when it comes to faith.
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Religions that teach fear and hatred are not bringing Divine Love into the world.
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Hold onto the joy of Easter. Maybe take a moment of stillness to breathe in the Love of God.
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What are we willing to risk in order to embrace and embody Love? What do we need to let go of? What do we need to enter into?
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As we head toward Holy Week, take a moment to check in with yourself and your neighbors and figure out how you can unbind yourself from fear and/or despair by being an agent of Love.
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In these closing weeks of Lent, ask for liberation from that which holds you captive and keeps you distanced from yourself, God, neighbor, or Creation.
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Acceptance of our selves and all that has made us into who we are, can be a challenge. Inviting God into the hard places and the pain, can make it a bit easier.
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Unknowing is often uncomfortable. We are invited into the Mystery that is God, and we are wrapped in Love.
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Lent can provide a space to explore the rough edges of ourselves and/or our community, and invite the Spirit to smooth them into something beautiful and new.