RAT Needs You for Advent 2024
![rats are team players](https://livingtable.org/wp-content/uploads/origami-two-rats.jpg)
The first meeting of the RAT (Ritual Arts Team) to plan for Advent 2024 is Sunday, September 22 at 12:15 pm (location tbd but the meeting will be hybrid).
We need writers, poets, musicians, and creative thinkers to help choose the theme and begin envisioning our journey through Advent this year. No experience is needed!
Plan to join us for the first meeting which will last no longer than one hour. RAT needs you!
![Rachael Keefe](https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/0b630947ca8530327bc7200682ec4b0d?s=50&d=https%3A%2F%2Flivingtable.org%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Fgravatar-e1677785182548.png&r=g)
About Rachael Keefe
Rev. Dr. Rachael Keefe is the pastor of Living Table United Church of Christ. She was called to Living Table in 2015 after serving in many varied ministry settings since her ordination in 1992. She holds graduate degrees from Princeton Theological Seminary and Andover Newton Seminary at Yale (formerly Andover Newton Theological School). Her ministry and leadership often center around advocacy and accessibility. Her writing has been published by Chalice Press, The Christian Century, Red Letter Christians, Working Preacher, RevGalBlogPals, and others. She is grateful to be in ministry with Living Table today.
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I tried to write lyrics for an Advent carol. I couldn’t get past one verse. It was kind of a #fail. But it was an interesting exercise.
Holly, I totally understand that!
This is great and exciting…where will the meeting notes be posted? I don’t have anything yet…?
Doug, you should have a link to the notes now. If anyone else wants them, let me know.