Love Knows Your Name

A full moon and fiery clouds
On the right is a full moon and stars. On the left are fiery colored clouds. Image licensed from Envato Elements.

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! As we face 2025 it's good to remember that Love knows all our names.


Love Knows Your Name: A Story For Christmas 2024

It is a little known fact that Sun and Moon meet for coffee on occasion. They meet up in the time between day and night and talk over what they have witnessed. As you might guess, the two of them have observed a great many things. The story that follows is about one of the greatest events they ever saw.

In the long, long ago, long before anyone alive today remembers, Moon met Sun in the hour before night gives way to day. Moon had had a very long night of wondering what was going on.

Before even saying, “Good morning,” or allowing Sun to get a cup of coffee, Moon burst out with, “Hey, Sun! Have you seen that new star in the sky? It shines so brightly somewhere over Israel. In fact, I think you can still see it now, even though morning is just about here.”

Sun calmly poured some coffee, took a sip, and said to Moon, “Sure. That’s Sally. And let me tell you, she is going to be recorded in history as a super star.”

This didn’t exactly answer Moon’s question. Moon tried again. “Okay. Her name is Sally and she’s going to be super. But why is she in the sky with me, unannounced even?”

Sun thought for a moment before replying, “Moon, you know Creator does what They want when They want and doesn’t have to tell us anything.” Moon nods and motions for Sun to continue. “Sally has a purpose. One given her by Creator. I suggest you watch and see what happens tomorrow night. You should get some rest now, though.”

Moon went off to sleep and Sun rose in the air to shine in the bright, blue sky and to keep an eye on the happenings as Sally continued to shine. Sun saw some things that were even more mysterious than the sudden appearance of a new star in the sky.

That evening, Sun met Moon in the hour before day turned to night. While Moon drank coffee to get ready for the night, Sun reported on the day. “You’ll never, never guess what I saw today. Go ahead, try and guess.”

Moon, who was not quite awake yet, said, “You saw blue sky and clouds. No mystery there.”

Sun laughed and responded, “No, silly! I saw a camel running and running and running while a caravan followed much more slowly behind.”

Moon smiled. “I know that camel. Her name is Chloe and she loves to run and run and run! Always running that one. But I wonder why she is running with a caravan following her. What is she trying to get them to, do you suppose?

Sun, shrugged and said, “Well, she’s running toward where Sally is, so that’s something.” Moon nodded. “You know, Moon, Chloe wasn’t the strangest thing I saw.”

“No, I wouldn’t think so. What was?”

“Well, I saw a moose in the desert, also headed toward where Sally is shining.”

Moon nodded again. “I’ll bet that is Matilda. She is from Minnesota, and she loves to travel. Though I do wonder what she’s doing in the dessert. I don’t think either Chloe or Matilda and actually hear Sally sing, do you?”

Sun laughed with a hint of sadness before saying, “Moon, you know the creatures of the earth have long forgotten how to listen to the songs we sing or those of the stars. No, I don’t think Chloe, Matilda, or any other living thing can hear Sally calling to them. However, I’m betting they can see her shine brightly, almost brighter than you. And if they can’t see her, a lot of those humans certainly can.”

“Right,” said Moon. “Do you know why she’s still out there, shining with no breaks for rest at all?”

“I think it’s safe to say that Creator is up to something and wants every creature to know that something is going to happen, and happen soon,” said Sun. “I’m going to get some rest. I look forward to hearing what you have to say in the morning. Good night, Moon.”

Sun went off to rest and Moon climbed up into the sky, waved at Sally, and settled in to shine through the night hours.

Moon saw the city of Bethlehem fill up with people to the point that all the inns were full, and the late comers had to sleep in a stable. Moon felt bad for the man and woman who went to the stable to rest until Moon realized that Sally was super bright and hanging in the sky right over the stable. “Well, that’s something,” Moon thought. “I wonder what Sun will make of that.”

When Moon met Sun at the end of the night, Moon asked what Sun thought about Sally shining right over the stable where the human ones slept. Sun said, “I keep telling you that Creator is up to something special. Did you think humans wouldn’t be involved? The rest of us created beings understand our place in the world, but the humans are always forgetting that they are not Creator, nor are they worthless. They need reminders that Creator exists and fills the whole of creation with Love.”

Moon was confused and said so. “You think that Sally, Chloe, Matilda, and these human ones know something we don’t? You think Creator is doing something for the humans or with the humans, and we aren’t involved?”

Sun smiled and said, “Moon, you think too much. Go get some rest and I’ll let you know what happens next.” As Moon headed off to bed, Sun called out, “And Moon, we are always involved in what Creator does. Creator acts for the good of all created beings – you and me included.”

Moon went off to ponder Sun’s words and get some rest.

While Sun shined through the next day, Chloe and her caravan grew closer to Bethlehem and Matilda joined the crowd heading into the city. Sun had a feeling that whatever was going to happen, would happen that night. Without a doubt, Moon would have a story to tell in the morning.

Sun and Moon met again that evening. Sun filled Moon in on the movements of Chloe, Matilda, and all the humans gathering in Bethlehem and also said that Sally might explode if she didn’t get some rest soon. Someone needed to tell her that even super stars don’t shine all night and all day.

Sun went off to rest and Moon rose into the sky.

Moon was startled out of visions of what Creator might be doing with loud noises nearby. Much to Moon’s surprise, the sky was filled with a multitude of angels singing of good news and shining almost as brightly as Sally.

A song of love filled the night. Moon saw shepherds running from the fields to the stable in Bethlehem with the angels guiding the way. It seems a baby was born in that stable. Matilda was there. Chloe and her caravan were on their way, bringing Magi and gifts to the baby.

Moon took notice. Babies were born all the time. This one must be special if Sally was shining on it and Matilda came from so far away and Chloe was running, trying to move the magi faster. And what of the angels filling the night sky and bringing shepherds from their fields? This baby must be something special. Moon decided to ask Sun about all of it.

When Sun met Moon at the end of the night, Sun was surprised. “Gosh, Moon, you look exhausted. Busy night?”

“You have no idea!” said Moon.

“Tell me.”

“Sun, it was a night like no other. Matilda arrived at the cave. Chloe ran all night, or tried to when the magi and the other camels would let her. And a multitude of angels appeared in the sky and sang of Good News for all the world. Then they led a group of shepherds to the cave where the human ones were staying. And you’ll never guess why.”

Sun was surprised by Moon’s enthusiasm. “I’m guessing this is why Sally is still up after days and nights of shining.”

Moon nodded. “Yes, she shines to point the way to the baby that was born last night, in the stable to the humans who arrived in Bethlehem after all the inns were full.”

Sun replied, “Right. Mary and Joseph. They did arrive a little late. Though I do think they were just in time for the kind of birth Creator intended.”

Moon was too tired to sort out what Sun was saying. “Sun, what are you talking about? Have you known about this all along? Why didn’t you tell me? And what are you telling me now?”

“Moon, I didn’t know all the details. I knew that Creator wanted to break into the world of humans in a new way, a way that would let them know they are loved and forgiven and they should do better at loving themselves and each other. I knew Mary and Joseph, the human ones, had something to do with Creators plans, but I didn’t know what until now.”

Moon just stared at Sun. “I still don’t get it. What are you talking about? What does this have to do with a star that won’t quit shining, a running camel, a Minnesota moose, a man and a woman, shepherds, angels, a baby, and a cave in Bethlehem? Please explain.”

“To be honest, Moon, a lot of it is a mystery. You know Creator isn’t exactly forthcoming with plans and intentions. However, I can tell you what I know. Sally was given the task of lighting the way for all to know that Creator was doing a new thing in Bethlehem. And before you ask, Bethlehem was chosen because it’s a city with a great and noble history for many of the Creator’s people.

“Mary and Joseph were chosen because they were in the lineage of King David and willing to do the job.”

“What job?” Moon asked.

“I’m getting to that. Before I do, though, I will say that I have no idea how or why Matilda is at the stable. Nor do I know why Chloe loves running so much. I do know that she has an important job and when she and her caravan finally arrive, everyone will be happy.

“Now back to the job Mary and Joseph agreed to. You see, Creator really wanted people to understand the power of Love so They came to earth in the form of a baby, not to a wealthy or powerful family, but to a poor and ordinary one. Because Creator really, really wants people to understand that Divine Love knows their name, especially the poor and lowly ones, the ones the world forgets and dismisses and dehumanizes. Love knows everyone’s name and doesn’t forget.”

“Wow!” said Moon. “Do you think the people will get that? I mean, they haven’t yet, have they? This is why Creator came to earth as a baby, born in a stable, so people would understand the strength and vulnerability of Love.”

Sun smiled, a little sadly. “No, I don’t think people will get it, at least not at first. Maybe after a while. You are right; Creator’s love is like nothing else and it could light up the whole world and make our jobs almost meaningless.”

Moon yawned and stretched and headed toward bed.

Sun went onto shine through the day and watched the comings and goings in Bethlehem.

That night, Moon greeted Sun with a great amount of energy, even before a sip of coffee. “Sun, Moon said, “I have the best idea.”

“What’s that?” asked a sleepy Sun.

“I think we should help out Creator, like Sally has.”

“Moon,” said Sun, “we can’t shine any brighter. You know that, right? Besides, the baby is already born and people are beginning to find out.”

“Yes, Sun, I know that. But we could help. We could change our song. We could sing out to everyone all the time we are in the sky. We could sing Love knows your name!”

Sun smiled at moon, a sleepy smile. “Yes, Moon, we can sing that song. Maybe one day, humans will remember how to listen to our song.”

“Right. And maybe they will remember that Creator came into the world as a baby to teach them the power of Love, a power that can change everything.”

“Good night, Moon.”

“Sleep well, Sun.”

Sun laughed out loud when Moon started singing full volume to anyone who would listen: “Love knows your name!”

Other stories referenced here:

Sally the Super Star

Angels Bring Good News

The Considerations of Chloe the Camel

Christmas is Now: A Chloe the Camel Story

How Matilda, A Minnesota Moose, Saw the First Christmas

This story was first published at

Rachael Keefe

About Rachael Keefe

Rev. Dr. Rachael Keefe is the pastor of Living Table United Church of Christ. She was called to Living Table in 2015 after serving in many varied ministry settings since her ordination in 1992. She holds graduate degrees from Princeton Theological Seminary and Andover Newton Seminary at Yale (formerly Andover Newton Theological School). Her ministry and leadership often center around advocacy and accessibility. Her writing has been published by Chalice Press, The Christian Century, Red Letter Christians, Working Preacher, RevGalBlogPals, and others. She is grateful to be in ministry with Living Table today.

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