Program Year 2024-25 Begins Now

This year promises to be full and exciting! You won't want to miss anything!
While I wouldn’t trade my August vacations for anything, there is quite a challenge to coming back to the gearing up of the program year. And this year is promising to be quite exciting!
Augsburg Fairview Academy is all moved in and has started their academic year, and they still need school supplies. The school’s presence may mean that you could encounter some locked doors if you are in the building during school hours. If this happens, find Dennis and he will help you access what you need.
Sunday, we welcome God’s Revelation Missionary Baptist Church into the small sanctuary. We will share space with this congregation with the potential to share more as we get to know one another. I plan to stay and at least greet them. I hope some of you will as well.
Next week we will share worship with our New Branches partners. A group of us have been planning this for several weeks and it will be a great way to continue building relationships as we worship together. And, of course, a potluck lunch will follow.
Soon, the RAT (Ritual Arts Team) will begin planning Advent. It’s likely we will meet after worship on Sundays. The meetings will be hybrid and we’ll need dreamers, writers, artists, musicians and more. Consider joining RAT this season!
The reason RAT will likely be meeting after worship on Sundays is that Wednesday nights are going to be full. Lake Nokomis Lutheran has invited all children to join in mindfulness sessions from 6:30-7:30 pm, beginning September 11. (There will be some adult education offerings as well. More information on those when it is available.)
And the New Branches Handbell Choir will begin rehearsing on Wednesday evenings at 7:45 on September 18.
When we get to October, we will have services of hope and healing on Wednesdays leading up to the election. These services will focus on prayer, rituals of healing, and strengthening hope. Watch for more information as these services take shape.
We are busy and engaged community. Don’t forget that tonight is Heart Circle and Sunday mornings is Sunday Circle. Heart Circle is on Zoom and Sunday Circle is hybrid. Both groups offer an opportunity to share what’s going on in your life in a supportive group. Everyone is welcome.
There’s also Saturday morning Bible Study which meets on Zoom at 8 am. We are currently reading through a draft of the book I am currently writing. The book is tentatively titled, Lifesaving Faith, and is a practical discussion of faith and spirituality today.
Of course, there are many other activities continuing and resuming. Make sure you check out the calendar page so you don’t miss anything.
I look forward to sharing the joys and challenges of this program year with all of you! Please comment with anything that you are looking forward to, as well as any events you want to share with the community.

About Rachael Keefe
Rev. Dr. Rachael Keefe is the pastor of Living Table United Church of Christ. She was called to Living Table in 2015 after serving in many varied ministry settings since her ordination in 1992. She holds graduate degrees from Princeton Theological Seminary and Andover Newton Seminary at Yale (formerly Andover Newton Theological School). Her ministry and leadership often center around advocacy and accessibility. Her writing has been published by Chalice Press, The Christian Century, Red Letter Christians, Working Preacher, RevGalBlogPals, and others. She is grateful to be in ministry with Living Table today.
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I am so thrilled that Zoom allows me to be an active member of Living Table. As a member of Congressional Care, please let me know of any member who might appreciate a visit, phone call, or note. It can be a thinking of you, we care about you, as you grieve, as you recover etc.