A Beacon Update on Bimosedaa (1/3/24)

by The Office
Please note some new supply requests for the new residents of Bimosedaa.
Welcoming first residents to Bimosedaa!
On Dec. 29, the first residents moved in to Bimosedaa – 48 new supportive homes in downtown Minneapolis. Residentswill be supported by Avivo and referred by the Red Lake Nation and Hennepin County.
Many residents have experienced extended periods of homelessness and welcome the personal items that Beacon congregations are able to supply. In addition to the towels and personal hygiene items you may have already donated, these items are also needed now:
- Twin extra-long sheets and twin-size comforters
- Cleaning supplies (paper towels, disinfectant like Windex spray, Clorox wipes, toilet brush and plunger, etc.)
- Kitchen items (1 pot, plates and cups, silverware, utensils, can opener)
- Target gift cards
The move-in will continue over the next several months.

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