Beacon’s Rent is Due Day of Action Nov ’24

Giving coins from one to another
A jar of coins is between two sets of palm-up hands. Image licensed from Envato Elements.

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From: Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative

Rent is Due Day of Action

November 13, 2024 8:30 AM

Register now for Beacon’s Rent Is Due event next Wednesday, November 13, at 8:30 a.m.

As we work towards our vision for “all people to have a home,” we know that at the beginning of every month, over 200,000 households pay too much rent. Housing insecurity jeopardizes the health of individuals and families, drives the growing numbers of people experiencing homelessness, and increases the racial disparities already present.

We usually gather the first Wednesday of every month as Beacon advocates to change this reality.(This month is delayed a week because of the election). We are working to create rental assistance for all through Bring it Home, Minnesota, create new policies to make more deeply affordable supportive housing available, and other policies so all people have a home. During our 30-minute virtual meeting, you will hear updates on Bring it Home, Minnesota, and our other campaigns, hear from special guests or elected officials, and be given concrete actions to do.

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