Lent is Less Than a Month Away
by The Office
Wondering what the RAT is up to? Here are some of the details about Lent and Holy Week that we can share so far.
Our theme for Lent in 2023
Broken, Exposed, and Resurrected: A Twelve Step Journey Through Lent
RAT (Ritual Arts Team) will share more as we get closer to the beginning of the season. For now we will tell you that sea (or lake or river) glass will be a key image/symbol as we journey together.
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday Service will be shared with Spirit on Wednesday, February 22, at 6:30 pm in the small sanctuary and on Zoom. Those who are able to attend in person will have the opportunity to receive ashes. If you cannot attend in person and would like to receive ashes, please be in touch with Pr. Rachael. We wlil get them to you.
Holy Week Services
- Palm Sunday, Sunday, April 2 at 10:30 am in the small sanctuary and on Zoom
- Reconciliation and Release, Tuesday, April 4 at 7 pm in the small sanctuary and on Zoom
- Maundy Thursday, Thursday, April 6 – Sanctuary and time TBD
- Good Friday, Friday, April 7 at – Sanctuary and time TBD
There may be other opportunities added. This is just the beginning.
If you have an idea for a Lenten study or gathering, please put it in the comments. And you can still join a RAT meeting on Wednesday. There is no commitment. Come once, or come every Wednesday. You are welcome!
The Zoom link to this meeting can be found in the Dashboard. To access the dashboard, log in to this website. For more information about how to do this, read posts about the website.
About The Office
Posts from the office are composed by church staff and leadership at Living Table United Church of Christ in Minneapolis, on behalf of the church membership.
Unless otherwise specified, all content on this site is copyrighted by the author, when designated, or by Living Table United Church of Christ. This means that you cannot copy-and-paste content from this website to reuse elsewhere without express written permission. All images are copyrighted and may not be used elsewhere. With any questions, please contact us. You can still share everything from this site by sharing a link to the exact page of interest. What is prohibited by this policy and standard U.S. copyright law is reusing or republishing our content without license.
I am honored to be working with others on RAT (Ritual Arts Team) to create a meaningful journey through Lent. There’s always room for more involvement–check us out on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.
Yes, I hope others join, too. Even if only for one meeting.