Paul the Pharisee on Saturday Mornings During Lent

Bible Study
A Bible and a cup of hot coffee sit on a shelf against a blurred outdoor background. Image licensed from Envato Elements.

Please join us on Saturday morning for visual lectures by John Dominic Crosson on Paul the Pharisee.

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Throughout Lent, the Saturday morning Bible study (8 am on Zoom) will be viewing “Paul the Pharisee.” This is a five week Lenten class by John Dominic Crosson.

This year we will learn more about Paul and the visual lectures will be based on Crossan’s new book, Paul the Pharisee.

Everyone is welcome to join. If you are member of Living Table, you are welcome to share the Zoom link with anyone you know who wants to join in.

If you are not a member of Living Table and would like to join this Lenten study, please contact Pr. Rachael.

Knowing that early Saturday morning is not everyone’s favorite time, if there is enough interest, Pr. Rachael will offer an additional day/time. Please comment below or let her know if you are interested in another time.

The Office

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Posts from the office are composed by church staff and leadership at Living Table United Church of Christ in Minneapolis, on behalf of the church membership.

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