Snowy Spring Sanctuary Setup for Holy Week

Holy Week altar is set
Liturgical decorations adorn the sanctuary at Living Table, centering purple fabric behind a cross wrapped with green fabric and suggestive of a hillside and Holy Week.

Morgan the Dog, Pastor Rachael, and Kevin dug out from the blizzard and made it to New Branches to make it happen.


The table is set!

So much goes into planning the season of Lent and all of the services of Lent and Holy Week. Last but not least among those tasks is sanctuary set up on the eve of Palm Sunday. That is what Kevin, Pastor Rachael, and Morgan the Dog took care of today. All things have been made ready. Join us!

Review the Holy Week Schedule and remember that members can sign in for Zoom passcodes as needed.

Morgan the Dog helped Pastor Rachael with setup
Morgan the Dog is with Pastor Rachael setting up the sanctuary for Holy Week.

Holy Week Morgan the Dog helped with setup
Morgan the Dog is helping Pastor Rachael and Kevin with setup for Palm Sunday in the sanctuary.

Holy Week sanctuary is ready
The sanctuary is now all set up for Holy Week at Living Table.

The Office

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Posts from the office are composed by church staff and leadership at Living Table United Church of Christ in Minneapolis, on behalf of the church membership.

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