Kevin Werner Hohlstein
Minister of Music, Living Table UCC
Kevin Werner Hohlstein is the Minister of Music at Living Table United Church of Christ, joining the team in February of 2017. As a church musician, Kevin’s started when he was in high school as church organist in his home church in Lodi, Wisconsin. Jump ahead to the early part of the 2000s, Kevin was a member of the music ministry at All God’s Children MCC, including a member of the praise and worship team. In 2003, he was a part of the album released by the praise and worship team, For God’s Sake. Before moving to the Twin Cities, Kevin completed a BA in Music at the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire and while in school had the opportunity to work with the Eau Claire Children’s Theater and Fanny Hill Dinner Theater. Calling the Twin Cities home since 1995, he has worked as a performer, choreographer, and director with many theater companies across the Twin Cities metro and in western Wisconsin. Kevin is a full time faculty member at Perpich Center for Arts Education in Golden Valley and also teaches at Moore Than Dance in Fridley. When he is not creating worship or teaching, he can be seen from time to time around the Twin Cities as a cabaret performer, and is proud to be a founding member of the Twin Cities Cabaret Artists Network (TCCAN).