Celebrating Each Moment
There is almost always something to be grateful for that can anchor us in the present.
I don’t know how it is with you, but for me it has been a challenge to stay in the moment. Along with the RAT folx, I’ve been actively planning Lent, which means I keep forgetting that it is Epiphany. We are still in a season of knowing and not yet in a season of seeking and introspection.
Of course, it’s also January. And even with the warmer weather in Minnesota, it is hard not to anticipate the coming of spring and brighter days. Throw in the events of the world – near and far – and it’s even more of a challenge not to think (or worry) ahead to November.
There’s always things happening to draw our attention away from the here and now. The funny thing is that if we are always focusing on what is coming (or what has already gone), we can miss the beauty and wonder of today.
In other words, we may have encountered God yesterday and we may encounter God tomorrow. Yet, if we are not paying attention to today, we are likely to miss God’s presence in this moment.
When I find myself distracted from today, either by longing for days to come or dwelling on days gone by, I truly turn toward gratitude to refocus my thoughts and my spirit. There is almost always something to be grateful for that can anchor us in the present.
Today, while disappointed by the gray weather, I am grateful for Living Table and the joy that this community brings into the world. I am repeatedly amazed by the ways in which Living Table cares for one another, and the community around us. The generosity of spirit I have witnessed over my years here has been a gift that reminds me God is still present and active in the world.
How is it with your spirit these days? Can gratitude help refocus you on what is good and beautiful and filled with wonder? Please share your gratitude or whatever it is that lifts your spirit so that we can experience joy together.
About Rachael Keefe
Rev. Dr. Rachael Keefe is the pastor of Living Table United Church of Christ. She was called to Living Table in 2015 after serving in many varied ministry settings since her ordination in 1992. She holds graduate degrees from Princeton Theological Seminary and Andover Newton Seminary at Yale (formerly Andover Newton Theological School). Her ministry and leadership often center around advocacy and accessibility. Her writing has been published by Chalice Press, The Christian Century, Red Letter Christians, Working Preacher, RevGalBlogPals, and others. She is grateful to be in ministry with Living Table today.
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Having an Attitude of Gratitude is easy most days. Sharing it is like turning on a light bulb, watching an individual or circumstances shine. It’s those gloomy, foggy, and emotional dank days that are the most difficult to get through when you have a lack of interdependence created around you. We all must remember to share that light and brighten the many spirits around us as difficult as it is on some days. It’s like paying it forward spiritually.
I am grateful to have known and worked with “B.C.” and “P.S.” These women, who died within about a week of each other, shared their gifts with others and created community as they shared these gifts. Thank you to both. We celebrate your lives.
Cindy, thank you for honoring these women and sharing your gratitude with us!
I love the scrabble motif as I am a scrabble geek. I’m grateful for this community as well. I enjoyed Ed’s workshop recently. Today we did a brief exercise challenge on YouTube and afterwards we listened to a 20 minute guided meditation. I’m grateful for the hope that both of these gave me today.
Lea Woods
Lea, thank you for sharing your gratitude with us.