Joining the Resistance

A sign with the word Resist printed on it.
A simple sign with the word Resist. Image licensed from Envato Elements.

We are all connected and fostering those connections is essential in these days.


Another week has come and gone. For many of us, the stress, worry, and despair has increased as we watch the current administration dismantle vital services. The impact is literally felt around the world.

It can become increasingly difficult to pay attention to the things that matter because it can feel like everything matters. Now is the time to practice good self-care.

  • Take breaks when you need them.
  • Connect with supportive family and friends.
  • Do something that makes the world a little better for at least one person.

There are lots of ways of getting involved and making a difference. Check out the announcements and the calendar of events for ways you can connect with others and bring some joy into the world.

Remember that this is a marathon and not a sprint. We are in this for the long haul and we can get through all of this together. Check in on your neighbors and do something kind for yourself and for someone else.

Joy is resistance.

Hope is resistance.

Love is resistance.

Rest is resistance.

I think one of the best forms of resistance is to actively demonstrate support for those this government wants to erase. We are beginning to curate a list of organizations who’s work is vital in these times.

The list is in the internal post section and additions are needed.

Yes, these are exhausting days. Yes, the fear can be overwhelming as can be the anger and sadness. Remember to breathe. Ask yourself what you are able to do in this moment and then do that.

If all of this is too much for you, reach out for support. I am here for your. Congregational Care is here for you. There are opportunities to gather for kinship as well as learning and doing.

When we come together, Love wins.

Rachael Keefe

About Rachael Keefe

Rev. Dr. Rachael Keefe is the pastor of Living Table United Church of Christ. She was called to Living Table in 2015 after serving in many varied ministry settings since her ordination in 1992. She holds graduate degrees from Princeton Theological Seminary and Andover Newton Seminary at Yale (formerly Andover Newton Theological School). Her ministry and leadership often center around advocacy and accessibility. Her writing has been published by Chalice Press, The Christian Century, Red Letter Christians, Working Preacher, RevGalBlogPals, and others. She is grateful to be in ministry with Living Table today.

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2 thoughts on “Joining the Resistance”

  1. I’m confused about where the list is. I see the public website and the Dashboard, not sure where are ‘internal posts.’


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