Reminders of Community, Connections, and Love

We need one another. We need to experience the love and support of community on a regular basis.
As some of you know my week has been the proverbial roller coaster ride. On Monday I got some unwanted, though not life-threatening medical news. Then on Tuesday my doctor told me that my bloodwork suggested early leukemia and that further tests were needed.
Fortunately, those test results took about 24 hours and they were negative. I do not have leukemia. We have yet to determine why my blood counts are off, but it is likely a function of dysautonomia. And this is much better news than leukemia.
For that 24 hours I was imagining all the ways in which my life would change if the tests came back positive. I found it hard to focus on the necessary things. I searched for things to do to keep busy while I waited. And then came the rejoicing.
At times like these I am reminded of how important community is. Living Table has a strong sense of community and commitment to care for one another, and I am grateful for that. In this instance, though, the means of connecting to community for me was social media. Had I been waiting over the weekend, Living Table would have been it.
Facebook proved its worth as my friends -those I have met in person and those I have not- offered their supportive words. Knowing hundreds of people were holding me in prayer or sending positive energy or whatever their practice is, made a difference in getting through the waiting time.
Today the gratitude and rejoicing are still coming in. I have a tendency to forget how many people I am connected with, people who genuinely care. It is too easy to say that social media is primarily frivolous and unhealthy. Then we would miss the moments when it serves as true community.
Where did you experience community this week?
Was it when Living Table gathered? Was it with family or friends who got together for an activity? Was it social media? Where was it for you, and how many different communties are you a part of?
I had a reminder this week that I am far from alone as I go through the ups and downs of life. I hope you have this experience as well (the reminders of being connected with others, not the stress of waiting for medical tests). I am also grateful that Living Table is one of my communities. This week I am particularly grateful for social media.
We need one another. How are you connecting with community? Who or what fills you with gratitude? Please share your responses so that we can continue to grow in love and gratitude with one another.

About Rachael Keefe
Rev. Dr. Rachael Keefe is the pastor of Living Table United Church of Christ. She was called to Living Table in 2015 after serving in many varied ministry settings since her ordination in 1992. She holds graduate degrees from Princeton Theological Seminary and Andover Newton Seminary at Yale (formerly Andover Newton Theological School). Her ministry and leadership often center around advocacy and accessibility. Her writing has been published by Chalice Press, The Christian Century, Red Letter Christians, Working Preacher, RevGalBlogPals, and others. She is grateful to be in ministry with Living Table today.
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Just took a step outside my comfort zone: used my Facebook page to invite friends to church Sunday. We’ll see how people respond. Don’t think I have any rabidly anti-religion folks in my (large – 1,100) friend group, but still…
Doug, well done! Even if no one comes to service as a result, you did it!
Community this week:
– my recovery meeting last Sunday night–16 people making connections even though we’re on Zoom
– connecting with the wonderful young couple who live next door (Kyle and Mimi) and finding out they were thrilled to accept the gift of an old cedar chest that had been in Bill Plieseis’ apartment (we needed to vacate our garage in prep for tear-down and building a new one)
– Guthrie Theater last night–with our friend Gerry, and running into two different couples whom we know and love, and who ate beforehand in the same restaurant and were also going to the show
– Neighbors when I’m out walking
– and, the “community of the natural world” when I’m walking around the lake and noticing everything from birds in the sky, on the water, and to the amazing outcroppings of fungi
“Glory to God in the Highest” (and the lowest)!
Thank you, Doug, for sharing these experiences of community!
The sharing at Living Table’s monthly Heart Circle always fills me up with gratitude and other good things.
Nancy, I completely agree with this. It is a beautiful subset of our larger Living Table community.