Awakening Our Spiritual Qualities and Becoming Elders – Generosity

by The Office
Join Ed C. for a conversation on Generosity and what it means in terms of wise aging.
This is the third workshop in the series on Wise Aging. Last workshop we talked about Gratitude. In this next session we will talk about Generosity. Though we label and talk about these two qualities differently, they are really two closely related and inseparable movements of the heart.
The cultivation of foundational spiritual qualities like gratitude and generosity can aid us in meeting the challenges of aging and realizing our fullest potential as elders. These qualities enable us to come to peace with ourselves and others, foster connections, love more completely, and build resiliency.
This workshop is being facilitated by Ed C. on Zoom, Thursday, February 29th, at 6:30 PM. All participants are asked by the facilitator to have their camera on and their full name on screen. One of the intentional goals of these workshops is to bring us together to discuss the challenges we all face in aging. Being present to one another visually and speaking face to face is an important part of coming together.
The Zoom link is in the usual place. Members can sign-in to access the member dashboard. Anyone else who is interested in attending can contact the church or otherwise talk to Pr. Rachael.

About The Office
Posts from the office are composed by church staff and leadership at Living Table United Church of Christ in Minneapolis, on behalf of the church membership.
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