Beacon Virtual Rally December 4, 2024

by The Office
Register now to attend Beacon's Our Future Starts with Home Virtual Rally
Our Future Starts with Home Virtual Rally
Wednesday, December 4th, 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Zoom (register to receive link)
Did you know Beacon is part of a large and growing coalition of organizations across Minnesota, calling for sustainable, predictable state funding for housing?
In communities across the state, people are facing many barriers to permanent housing, including the impacts of the opioid epidemic and rising cost of living. The visibility of unsheltered homelessness brings these concerns to the forefront.
We need to grow public investment for supportive housing more than ever. This isn’t possible without creating a new revenue stream.
The Our Future Starts With Home campaign is calling on the state legislature to put a new tax for housing on the ballot which would provide funding for shelters, supportive housing, rental vouchers and home ownership – the solutions that work!
Join fellow advocates and legislators to rally for this solution and take action together.
(This event is replacing Beacon’s monthly Rent is Due action call for December.)

About The Office
Posts from the office are composed by church staff and leadership at Living Table United Church of Christ in Minneapolis, on behalf of the church membership.
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