Building Clean-Up at All Nations Church Saturday 3/16/24

by The Office
Join with other New Branches folx to help All Nations Indian Church on Saturday, March 16, 2024
New Branches — Living Beyond Our Land Acknowledgement:
Building Clean-Up at All Nations Indian Church*
Please join members of the Land Acknowledgement and Beyond Group this Saturday, March 16, at 9:00 am as we answer a call from Pastor Kelly Sherman Conroy to help All Nations clean up after a gas leak. We will clear a room and closet, organize the church kitchen, and clean up the garden in the courtyard.
All Nations Indian Church is located at 1515 E 23 St. in Minneapolis (off Bloomington Ave.)
All Nations will provide a pizza lunch for all workers. You may want to bring water to drink as you work, kitchen cleaning gloves, and outdoor work gloves. All other supplies should be provided.
Come to all Nations Church on Saturday morning at 9 AM and join other friends from New Branches in putting the words of our land acknowledgment into action.
For questions or to RSVP, please contact Ann K. or (Property Team members) Greg O.

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