Coldest Night of the Year Indoor Walk – It’s an Adventure :)

Living Table is a part of New Branches
Vintage New Branches sign outside Living Table UCC

Want to support Agate Housing but don't want to be outside? This is an opportunity for you!

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Coldest Night of the Year
Indoor Walk
Happening at New Branches!

Saturday February 24
Open 2:00-4:00 pm

Registration is not required but your presence is welcomed! This is a fun and friendly way to raise $$$ for Agate!

It’s an adventure!

We’ve set up an accessible indoor circuit path that leads you through all of the New Branches’ complex. An outdoor option will also be available!

Hot cocoa and goodies for all who come!

Donations welcomed!

Living Table UCC and Spirit of St. Stephen’s have formed the “Advocates for the Unhoused” team.


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Posts from the office are composed by church staff and leadership at Living Table United Church of Christ in Minneapolis, on behalf of the church membership.

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