June Events and Happenings

by The Office
Please add additional events in the comments and they will be integrated into the calendar. (Updated 6/26/24)
Living Table
- Thursday, June 27, Wise Aging Conversations 6:30 pm – Zoom
- Saturday, June 29, Bible Study 8 am, Zoom
- Sunday, June 30, Sunday Circle 9:00 am – Hybrid, downstairs New Branches
- Sunday, June 30, Pride Worship 10:30 am – Hybrid, small sanctuary
New Branches
- Wednesday, June 26, Garden Group 9 am, New Branches
- Wednesday, June 26, Nokomis Days Planning Team 7 pm, Hybrid the family room
Save the Date
- Monday, July 8, Book Discussion 7 pm, Zoom
- Sunday, July 14, Mimi Goodwin preaches and Meet the Artist 10:30 am, Hybrid in the small sanctuary
- Thursday, July 18, Art Night with Mimi Goodwin 6:30 pm, New Branches Hall (downstairs)
- Saturday, August 3, Nokomis Days 10 am – New Branches
- Monday, August 12, Book Discussion 7 pm, Zoom
- Monday, September 9, Book Discussion 7 pm, Zoom
- Sunday, September 15, New Branches Worship, 10 am Hybrid in the large sanctuary

About The Office
Posts from the office are composed by church staff and leadership at Living Table United Church of Christ in Minneapolis, on behalf of the church membership.
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