Living Table Adopts the New Branches Land Acknowledgement

Deer in the woods
A path in the woods with snow and autumn leaves on the ground. A deer is in the distance. Image courtesy of Rachael Keefe.

The Land Acknowledgement is the beginning of our commitment to educate ourselves about, support, and make reparations to Native American peoples.

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On February 18, 2024 Living Table adopted the New Branches Land Acknowledgement as our own.

We acknowledge that New Branches (and, therefore, Living Table UCC) is located on ancestral land of the sovereign Dakota Nation, stolen through dishonest dealings and broken treaties. We honor as truth that this land was, is, and will always be sacred to the Dakota people and integral to their identity and spirituality.

With gratitude for the many ways that we continue to benefit from the wisdom and work of the Dakota people and those with whom they shared this land, we acknowledge the complicity of Christian churches in past and present injustices. These harmful acts range from genocide, ethnic cleansing, forced assimilation, and unjust exile to ongoing practices that oppress and marginalize Indigenous people.

We commit to continued learning and truth-telling. And we commit to taking action, led by our Native relatives, that leads to justice for Indigenous people—in our community and beyond.

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Posts from the office are composed by church staff and leadership at Living Table United Church of Christ in Minneapolis, on behalf of the church membership.

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