Obituary for Barb Huwe
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by The Office
Barb's Celebration of Life will be at Living Table on Friday, June 9, at 1 pm.
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About The Office
Posts from the office are composed by church staff and leadership at Living Table United Church of Christ in Minneapolis, on behalf of the church membership.
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Barb has been a valued member of our congregation for as long as I can remember. Her kindness and readiness to help others has been a real inspiration. Barb has also been a very supportive friend to me and others in our recovery over the years and her calm, humble and wise input has kept many on the right path through the years. Many people are grateful for have known her and will be missing Barb for years to come!
I miss her so much and keep looking for her on zoom. She would always bring to me the next book for book club because she said it was no problem. And yes, that’s Barb. If anything involved helping someone else it was
Barb, as an Ebenezer volunteer, was our go-to person when an artist was struggling. Even those without speech in memory care responded to her loving spirit.
Barb Huwe inspired me from the first day we met on the third Sunday in September, 2019. She was a volunteer in the kitchen after service and helped me that day and on various Sundays in the next few months. Her serene joy soothed me from the very beginning. The following summer, with Covid in full bloom, I came back to my mouse droppings-infested house in Minneapolis after being sequestered in North Carolina for over six months. The mess was overwhelming on top of the murder of George Floyd and the destruction in my neighborhood. Barb offered to come help me clean and she made the enormous task seem manageable.
A few months later, she gave me a ride to the doctor following my knee-replacement surgery. She did all this with a smile on her face, her smooth, soothing voice comforting my concerns. When I gave her a blue and white mosaic side-table for her balcony, she was thrilled and sent me a picture. Barb always – and I do mean always – was a living example of God’s love made visible. I am so grateful that she is with me everyday.