Post Election Interfaith Gathering Online

Another Invite for 12/4
This inclusive gathering is a space for all—whatever your background or beliefs may be. This will not be a Christian service. Through shared moments of stillness, lamentation, and healing intentions, we’ll connect in ways that honor our unique journeys and shared humanity. We are expecting this gathering to be about an hour, and informal.
Optionally, if you have a candle you can bring with you please consider doing so, as we will light these together.
Participating is entirely optional while attending. You may leave your camera off the whole time. Also, you may want to turn your camera on, to connect. This is up to you.
We will have space to voice lamentation and fear together. You may also bring a brief reading or quote to share on the topic of hope or healing.
This gathering is at 6:30pm Central time. Get Zoom meeting info below.

About The Office
Posts from the office are composed by church staff and leadership at Living Table United Church of Christ in Minneapolis, on behalf of the church membership.
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