Updates from the LAB for November 2023

by The Office
The Land Acknowledgment and Beyond group offers information and the current draft of the Land Acknowledgment.
November is Native American Heritage Month!
We hope everyone will use this time to learn more about and celebrate traditions, languages and stories of Native American, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, and affiliated Island communities.
From President Biden’s Proclamation on National Native American Heritage Month, 2023
During National Native American Heritage Month, we recognize the invaluable contributions of Native peoples that have shaped our country and honor the hundreds of Tribal Nations who continue exercising their inherent sovereignty as vital members of the overlapping system of governments in the United States.
We also recommit to supporting Tribal sovereignty; upholding the Federal Government’s solemn trust and treaty responsibilities; and working in partnership with Tribal Nations to advance prosperity, dignity, and safety for all Native peoples.
You can read the entire Proclamation if you are interested.
From Governor Walz’s Native American Heritage Month Proclamation, 2023
The area known today as Minnesota is located on ancestral and contemporary lands that have been called home by Indigenous Peoples since time immemorial … During Native Heritage Month, Minnesota honors vibrant and diverse Native American cultures by continuing our commitment to government-to-government relationships and promoting appreciation, reconciliation, understanding, friendship, and continued partnerships among all Minnesotans and the Native Peoples of this land.
If you are interested, you can read the entire Proclamation.
Who are we?
The Land Acknowledgement & Beyond Group is a New Branches Community initiative, made up of members of Lake Nokomis Lutheran, Living Table United Church of Christ and Spirit Catholic Community. Our first project was developing a Proposed Land Acknowledgement for New Branches. We are now beginning the work of exploring ways of living into the Land Acknowledgement.
Several people who were unable to attend listening and learning sessions have asked to receive our current draft of the Proposed Land Acknowledgement for New Branches. In case there are others we did not hear from, here it is:
A Proposed Land Acknowledgement for New Branches
We acknowledge that New Branches is located on land stolen from the sovereign Dakota Nation through dishonest dealings and broken treaties. We honor as truth that this land was, is, and will always be sacred to the Dakota people and integral to their identity and spirituality.
With gratitude for the many ways that we continue to benefit from the wisdom and work of the Dakota people and those with whom they shared this land, we acknowledge the complicity of Christian churches in past and present injustices. These harmful acts range from genocide, ethnic cleansing, forced assimilation and unjust exile, to ongoing practices that oppress and marginalize Indigenous people.
We commit to using our voices and power to advocate, alongside our Native relatives, for justice for Indigenous people—in our community and beyond.
New Branches is an ecumenical partnership between three faith communities: Lake Nokomis Lutheran Church, Living Table United Church of Christ, and Spirit of St. Stephen’s Catholic Community.
Questions and feedback on the acknowledgment from Living Table folks should be directed to Ann K. We are thoughtfully considering all feedback received throughout this month.

About The Office
Posts from the office are composed by church staff and leadership at Living Table United Church of Christ in Minneapolis, on behalf of the church membership.
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