Pastoral Notes

pastoral notes
breathing deeply

Breathing Deeply

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Herein lies the hope. We are a people of hope in the midst of a struggling world. We trust that Love will prevail, eventually. We also know that Love needs our hands, our voices, our presence, our prayers, our actions to bring about healing. 

self care

True Self-Care

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What are you doing for yourself this week? Will you make time for your favorite hobby or activity? Will join in a communal activity or two? Will you take a nap? Will you take some time to be still and take in the beauty of Creation? What nurtures you, restores you, or gives you rest? 

preparing for a journey

Preparing for the Journey

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Next is a series on "Change" which will also include stewardship. Then it really will be Advent and we'll embark on the journey to Bethlehem together. I'm wondering what you need in your life and what we need in the life of the community to be ready for that journey.

continuing on the journey

Continuing on the Journey

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It's important to check in with ourselves, and make sure we aren't taking on too much or isolating ourselves too much. At this time of year, I frequently think about balance. Please take time to enjoy the beauty of the world around us in the midst of keeping up with everything else.

bounty of leaves

Blessings and Bounty

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In spite of the challenges in the world today, Creation is filled with beauty, wonder, and awe. While we don't shy away from pain or despair, we do want to name them so we can begin to free ourselves from them. Then we can more fully embrace the gifts of Creation. 

as autumn unfolds

As Autumn Unfolds

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We truly have so much that is needed in the world around us. Our continuous question is how do we share what we have in a way that makes a difference to those we encounter?

renewed beginnings

Renewed Beginnings

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I am grateful to the Living Table community for the time away, with special thanks to those who went above and beyond to sustain and grow the life and ministry of this community.

Living Table is a part of New Branches

Goodbye and Thank You

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I’m deeply grateful for your warmth, your flexibility (Yes, your flexibility), your faithfulness, and your curiosity about what it means to be church and Love-makers during these troubled times.