Ritual Art: Why us? Why now?
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You are in excellent hands and I trust both Pastor Elaine and Spirit to lead you with joy and wisdom.
Contemplative posts from the pastor of Living Table.
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You are in excellent hands and I trust both Pastor Elaine and Spirit to lead you with joy and wisdom.
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This will be a summer of exploration and conversation, and by the grace of God - transformation.
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If we want a country in which people live justly and peacefully, we must not remain silent and disconnected from our neighbors.
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Faith gives us the power to resist. We know that if it is not the way of love, it is not the way of God. Instead of giving into despair and fear, let us recommit to bringing more Divine Love into the world.
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Let's not let this moment go unnoticed. Let's find ways to demonstrate the true universal and unconditional love God offers all.
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The 50 days after Easter leading up to Pentecost are a time to embrace new life and new possibilities. This season reminds us that we are a people of resurrection, that we worship a God who makes all things new and for whom anything is possible.
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Christ is Risen! And approximately 55 folks gathered in person and virtually for Living Table's Easter Sunday service.
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With gratitude for the work of so many among us, we gathered together both in person and virtually in our new sanctuary at New Branches on Palm Sunday.