Advent Prayer Wreaths

Prayer Wreaths are still available for anyone who didn’t receive one on Sunday. If you are unable to attend worship in person and would like a Prayer Wreath, please let Pr. Rachael or anyone on the Congregational Care Team know and we will be sure you receive one.
Here are some ways you can use your Advent Prayer Wreath:
As a Reminder
Simply wear it as a bracelet or carry it in your pocket. When you notice it, let it serve as a reminder that Advent is a sacred season. Perhaps say a quick prayer of gratitude.
As a Guide for Prayer
For each bead, say a prayer for someone or someplace or situation that needs Hope (Peace is week 2, Joy is week 3, Love is week 4). When you come to the purple or pink beads, give thanks for someone who has brought Hope, Peace, Joy, or Love into your life.
As a Focus for Prayer
For each bead, say a prayer – the same for each or a different one for each prayer.
Be creative. Use your Advent Prayer Beads in any way that works for you. Share your experiences and inspire others.

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Posts from the office are composed by church staff and leadership at Living Table United Church of Christ in Minneapolis, on behalf of the church membership.
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I’ve been wearing the bracelet most of the time and have had several opportunities to answer the questions. (Apart from a turks head bracelet I made in high school, I’ve never worn a bracelet, much less one that looks like these). Sparked some good discussion about church and birthing God’s love in the world.
Sandy, that is awesome! A benefit of wearing the bracelet I hadn’t even thought of. Thank you for sharing your experience!