Celebrating Ann King

by The Office
Ann's multiple contributions to the Living Table Community were celebrated on May 21, 2023.
After church on Sunday May 21, the congregation celebrated Ann King and the many things she has done for our community. Her many roles include: Congregational Caregiver, Beacon Advocate, Social Justice Champion, Financial Secretary, Writer/Editor and of course, Announcement Queen.
Thank you Ann!

About The Office
Posts from the office are composed by church staff and leadership at Living Table United Church of Christ in Minneapolis, on behalf of the church membership.
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We are all blessed to have Ann in our congregation! Ever since I started coming to Living Table almost 9 years ago, Ann has always been filling many roles from being on the Church Council to working for immigration rights, giving rides to and from church; affordable housing and racial justice. Others have already mentioned more she has done to make our church and community a better place. She is a great example to anyone wanting to be the “hands and feet of Christ” in our community. Ann, thank you!
I love who you are & thank you for being YOU.