Resolutions in Time for the Christian New Year

Examining faith through the lens of gratitude may add depth to our determination in the year to ahead.
This week is the last Sunday in the Christian year. Traditionally it is “Christ the King Sunday” or more recently, “Reign of Christ Sunday.” While we don’t put much emphasis on this at Living Table, it is a day to remember and celebrate Jesus’ life, teachings, death, and resurrection.
When we spend time thinking about what it means for us to be followers of Jesus, then we can make a renewed commitment as the new Christian year begins.
What does it mean for you to be a Christian in this moment? How will your faith guide or influence your choices in the coming year?
In the U.S. Reign of Christ Sunday is right around Thanksgiving. It’s the perfect time to reflect on gratitude. Even now, we have much to be grateful for. Examining faith through the lens of gratitude may add depth to our determination in the year to ahead.
At the moment, my thoughts and reflections are heavily influenced by Trans Day of Remembrance. Last night we honored the 63 trans, nonbinary, genderqueer, genderfluid, or genderexspansive people who were murdered or died by suicide in this country since last TDOR. It’s heartbreaking.
Worldwide, more than 300 more people were murdered and more than 30 died by suicide. We need to do better.
My heart is heavy this morning and my spirit is tired. My number one “resolution” on the brink of the Christian new year is to bring more loving-kindness into the world. The next four years are going to need it.
I need more love, more kindness. You do, too. Maybe together we can renew our commitment to be church in a way that saves lives.
Reflect on the world, your life, gratitude, and community as you go through this week. Feel free to add your resolutions in the comments.
Be kind and gentle with everyone you meet, including yourself. Everyone is carrying something heavy.

About Rachael Keefe
Rev. Dr. Rachael Keefe is the pastor of Living Table United Church of Christ. She was called to Living Table in 2015 after serving in many varied ministry settings since her ordination in 1992. She holds graduate degrees from Princeton Theological Seminary and Andover Newton Seminary at Yale (formerly Andover Newton Theological School). Her ministry and leadership often center around advocacy and accessibility. Her writing has been published by Chalice Press, The Christian Century, Red Letter Christians, Working Preacher, RevGalBlogPals, and others. She is grateful to be in ministry with Living Table today.
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How will my faith guide me? How would I go on in these troubled times without it. Without a believe that loving our neighbors is the ultimate mandate, that it is God’s role for us on Earth, I would just fall into a lump and cry.
Holly, I am right there with you.