Unexpected Turtle Crossing

Disruptions can change our perspective and deepen our understanding of God.
On the way to the dog park earlier this week, I saw the most unexpected thing: a very, very large turtle (tortoise?) crossing the road. It was crossing a street as I was driving by. Traffic was stopped on that street and slowed on the one I was driving. A young woman was recording the event on her phone.
I wasn’t in a position to stop or take a picture. Honestly, I thought it was a stray dog folx were trying to catch. Then my brain caught up with my eyes as I drove by. The turtle was at least 18 inches across it’s shell, which was covered in moss.
I don’t know where it came from or where it was going, but Morgan was certain it was an alien creature. He didn’t stop barking for another couple of miles. That turtle was really quite something. Morgan had the right idea about making everyone aware that something odd was happening.
For me it felt like I was witnessing something out of time. I mean, how often do you see giant, moss-covered turtles ambling across the streets of West St. Paul or anywhere else? It felt surreal and, somehow, sacred.
And given all of my recent reading and research in Celtic mythology and traditions, I looked up what turtles symbolized for the ancient Celts. No surprises in that turtles symbolize patience, strength, and protection. I read further and wisdom was a surprise. Also, that turtles were thought to guard the fairy realm.
Who knew? Whatever turtles might have meant to my ancestors, I felt honored to have witnessed this one disrupting the usual flow of traffic. It made me think about slowing down myself, and figuring out how to disrupt the usual flow of my days with something intentional and, maybe, sacred.
How about you? What unexpected encounters with something sacred have you had lately? Did it slow you down? Disrupt your day? Leave you with any lingering feelings?
Please share your thoughts and experiences so we can share the joy and peace and whatever else you may have encountered.

About Rachael Keefe
Rev. Dr. Rachael Keefe is the pastor of Living Table United Church of Christ. She was called to Living Table in 2015 after serving in many varied ministry settings since her ordination in 1992. She holds graduate degrees from Princeton Theological Seminary and Andover Newton Seminary at Yale (formerly Andover Newton Theological School). Her ministry and leadership often center around advocacy and accessibility. Her writing has been published by Chalice Press, The Christian Century, Red Letter Christians, Working Preacher, RevGalBlogPals, and others. She is grateful to be in ministry with Living Table today.
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Back in 2021 during Covid, Linda and I stood in front of our wall of windows overlooking I-35. It wasn’t WHAT we saw but rather what we DID NOT see that took away our breath —- Not one vehicle at all! An I35 desert void of life.
Sometimes that spiritual moment can come in what we do not see.
I had to imagine a ruler and make my hands 18 inches apart in order to get the real image of that turtle! Other than seeing a turtle in – ? a zoo ? a video ? on a trip in a foreign country? – I’ve only seen pictures of larger turtles. An 18-inch turtle seems unreal! But even more amazing is the fact that is was covered with moss! My mind runs wild! Was it under fetid water in a pond? It’s barely The Dog Days of August, so where did she get the moss? And where was coming from and where was she going when she crossed the road? Such mysterious questions to ponder as I replay the scene! Thank you so much, Rachael, for sharing your experiences!
As to unexpected encounters with something sacred, after thinking about it for over six weeks, I have chosen to use the word Miracle in describing my experience with sinus surgery. One humble outstanding surgeon, one positive accepting patient, and the Divine Intervention of the prayers of many good people for the patient and her surgeon, led to an outcome of experiencing the surgery essentially pain-free, while all previous patients had had a long, painful recovery.
Oh, and yes, my daily talks with and touching of my flowers has become even more heartfelt because I now also think about and feel the Sacred Spirit with us!
I wish you all love and serene joy!
Thank you, Anita! I had similar thoughts about the turtle! And yes, your healing was a miracle. Thank you for sharing your spirit with all of us!