What is Advent, and How is Living Table Bringing People Together?
You are invited to Living Table this Advent and Christmas Season. Yes, you.
This has been a year, hasn’t it? Are you feeling spiritually lost, or disconnected? Are you wondering if there is any progressive community you could join for this Advent season? Living Table is a congregation that intentionally welcomes and includes queer and trans people, people seeking wellness and recovery, and believers, skeptics, and everyone in between who might be seeking community. You can join us in our newly renovated sanctuary in Minneapolis (Visit our physical location on Google Maps) and you can join us from anywhere in the world, because we have fully interactive hybrid services via Zoom. (Read more about visiting Living Table for the first time.) This year at Living Table, we will explore the meaning of Advent together. This includes folks who may have attended Living Table for years, others who have only recently found us, and still others stopping in for the very first time.
What is Advent?
Traditionally, Advent is a season of waiting for and anticipating Jesus’ birth. The first two Sundays are more reflective and self-examining – a kind of spiritual housecleaning. The second two Sundays are more celebratory.
This year, Living Table’s Advent theme is, “What are you waiting for?” The first week we will focus on waiting for hope. Then we have peace followed by joy, and, lastly, love. All of this will culminate in Christmas celebrations on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
A few things Living Table is doing in Advent this year
- Dramatic readings to bring the Scriptures alive
- Poems written by congregants to explore the theme each week
- Optionally very interactive worship both in the room and on Zoom (no spoilers – though we have some things planned)
- Communion each week
- Special musical offerings
Living Table folks act out a Scripture skit for Advent 1.
Throughout the year, Living Table takes seriously building and strengthening community, and our responsibility to embody Divine Love, to embody Christ. If you are looking for connection and a spiritual home, Advent is a great time to stop in for a worship service. You’d be welcome as a roomer or a Zoomer.
Do you have any questions? The comments are open below – feel free to use those. If you have a more personal question, you can email the pastor. If you would like to join us for a service via Zoom, everything you need to know is under Sundays on the website menu. You’ll just need the Zoom passcode if you’re attending remotely – sorry but this is necessary. If you do not have the Zoom passcode, you can get it from any church member or staff, or use the quick contact form below.
May each of you know the blessings of Advent and Christmas this year.
– Pastor Rachael and the People of Living Table UCC
About Rachael Keefe
Rev. Dr. Rachael Keefe is the pastor of Living Table United Church of Christ. She was called to Living Table in 2015 after serving in many varied ministry settings since her ordination in 1992. She holds graduate degrees from Princeton Theological Seminary and Andover Newton Seminary at Yale (formerly Andover Newton Theological School). Her ministry and leadership often center around advocacy and accessibility. Her writing has been published by Chalice Press, The Christian Century, Red Letter Christians, Working Preacher, RevGalBlogPals, and others. She is grateful to be in ministry with Living Table today.
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Thank you for opening your doors to all who seek community and spiritual growth in this troubled world. Living Table is a place where anyone can grow spiritually at their own pace and sensibilities. Being a member at Living Table for eight years has made me a better citizen, friend, community member and human being simply because it helped me get outside of myself and into the world around me. I believe that is what faith in God or a Higher Power or anything other than oneself is essential for true happiness.
Thanks, Tom, for sharing your Living Table experiences. I do hope others respond to your message of inclusion and welcome.
I appreciate the message of advent encouraging hope, peace, joy and love and the acceptance of Living Table as a community to “come as you are” understanding all are loved and accepted
Thank you, Suzanne. It’s nice to know this message really comes across, and I’m glad you are part of the community!