You can set your own profile picture
When you log in to the Dashboard, on the left there is Living Table Directory which is where you can edit your directory information and update your emergency contact. I listed Buddy. He is my friend.
Also, you can change your profile picture on Gravatar.
The link to do so is right there in the directory.
You don’t have to do this. If you don’t, when you comment on the website, the Living Table logo will show next to your name. But if you do add your photo through Gravatar, your profile pic will display like mine does. 🙂
Now I only cannot figure out how the internet robot is verifying whether I’m human… because I am Dog. Hmm.
About Morgan Keefe
Morgan the Dog lives with Pastor Rachael and Erika. He likes ocean crabs, long walks, and using his word buttons to communicate.
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If I was as cute as you, I might add a picture.
That’s what Buddy said. He comes into my yard sometimes under the fence. I think he is cute when he does that.
👋 Hi, Morgan!
👋 Hi, friend!