Hennepin County Plastic-Free Challenge

by Sandy Saline
Our actions help create a plastic-free world: Join the Living Table team for the Hennepin County’s Plastic-Free Challenge. You do NOT have to live in Hennepin county or be a member of Living Table to participate on our team.
Plastics can be a hassle – they create clutter and can be confusing to recycle – plus they contribute to litter, harm water and wildlife, and have largely unknown health impacts for us. Fortunately, there’s a lot we can do to help create a plastic-free world, from learning more about plastic waste and recycling to making simple swaps to advocating for changes in your community and sharing your story with others.
Be part of the solution to reduce waste, protect water and wildlife, address climate change, and look after the health of ourselves and future generations by joining the Living Table team.
Individuals select either one-time or daily activities from 7 categories to reduce plastic usage and earn points.
When you have signed up, we can connect in the comments here to support each other.
Questions? Ask Sandy.

About Sandy Saline
As a life-long learner and teacher, I volunteer with Living Table as treasurer and working with technology.
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