Support Minnehaha Food Shelf in March 2025

by The Office
Did you know March is Minnesota Food Shelf Month? It's a great month to make a donation!
March is Minnesota Food Shelf Month
One in 10 Minnesotans is impacted by food insecurity.
Donations made in March to the Minnehaha Food Shelf will be doubled with a $5000 challenge gift.
Your financial contribution allows Minnehaha Food Shelf (MFS) to better plan and make bulk purchases of basic, critical items from local food banks.
Take the 33 cents a day challenge and make a $10 monthly donation. A monthly gift of any amount increases your impact.
Give the Gift of Time – Volunteer
There are numerous ways to support MFS’ ever-evolving food distribution system – on site and behind the scenes. Find out how you can volunteer.
Give the Gift of Goods
MFS welcomes gifts of food and personal care products (e.g. toothpaste and brushes, bar soap, diapers. You may drop items off in the big blue barrel outside of Minnehaha UMC or in the boxes available at New Branches.
Open every Tuesday from 10 am to 3 pm at 3701 E. 50th St, Minneapolis
Every Tuesday MFS doors open to 250+ households that need assistance to stock their home pantries, including 550 children, 540 adults, and 65 seniors.
They choose from a wide variety of items which generally include meats, cheeses, milk, eggs, fresh and seasonal produce, pasta and rice, much of it purchased from
local food banks.
A team of volunteers supports the effort — greeters, registrars, food handlers, packers — lots of hands are needed to help the guests feel welcomed and keep the food moving efficiently.

About The Office
Posts from the office are composed by church staff and leadership at Living Table United Church of Christ in Minneapolis, on behalf of the church membership.
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