Agape is a Noun and a Verb
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To love without condition is a challenge. To live in that love is responding to God's call for the whole of Creation.
Contemplative posts from the pastor of Living Table.
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To love without condition is a challenge. To live in that love is responding to God's call for the whole of Creation.
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How do you prevent yourself from wishing time away as you anticipate what is next?
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Where has this adventure in faith led you?
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We are all connected by the Spirit, and we need one another.
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I'm still thinking about what it means to be "the Gate." Are you?
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The more we seek out joy, the more we are likely to experience it.
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Being Christian, being a follower of Jesus, is more about action than theology.
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Imago Dei is the story-poem I read for Children's Time on Sunday, shared here by request.
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I never knew there really were irises growing outside of gardens until this week.
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Psalm 139 is beautiful and encouraging in the original, and inspires poetic updating.