Stained Glass Windows from Previous Sanctuary Installed
Two small stained glass windows were chosen to be kept from Living Table’s previous location, so that they could be installed in the New Branches small sanctuary space. These windows were chosen because they represent the music ministry. Last week, a group of helping hands from New Branches partners installed the windows into their new home. As Greg Owen, of Living Table, said of such collaboration, “It’s so nice to be a part of something bigger, and to be able to share resources and labor.”
Folks enjoyed the light streaming through the newly installed windows on the first Sunday of Advent.
New stained glass window installed in the Living Table sanctuary.
About The Office
Posts from the office are composed by church staff and leadership at Living Table United Church of Christ in Minneapolis, on behalf of the church membership.
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Anita, I’m glad you were able to appreciate the beauty and brightness of these windows. We lucky to have them and the folx that installed them!
These beautiful windows were right in my line of sight this past Sunday. They are so beautiful and lift me up with their message! Thank you, Greg Owen, and all who helped, for the installation of this gift that will keep on giving day after day.
By the way, folks – you all see and do big things and small things every week such as what I wrote about in this little post about the stained glass windows. When you are doing what you do with Living Table and New Branches, please snap a picture with your phone.
Then? Send the picture and a few words about it to someone with an editor account (i.e. Pastor Rachael), so that it can become a blog post like this one. [no links in comments].