Living Table Brings Joy and Hope into the World

We are all God's beloved.
A white crocheted teddy bear, a gray crocheted dog, and white sewn bunny tucked into a white, fluffy blanket. Image courtesy of Myléne via Pixabay.

I am grateful for the Living Table community and all the gifts we have to share.

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Fall is in the air! Can you feel it? The cooler air always fills me with hope and a bit of nostalgia. Remember the years of going back to school with new clothes and new notebooks? Remember the promise of newness that was either exciting or anxiety provoking, or both?

Honestly, I feel an echo of these things as we prepare for the beginning of the new program year. Recovenanting is the first thing we do together at Living Table each September. We renew our promise to be a sacred community, to serve God by serving one another and all our neighbors.

This year holds excitement as we explore new opportunities together. Perhaps you will join in with the Land Acknowledgement and Beyond Team to learn and get involved. Maybe you will join with RAT in planning for Advent. It’s possible you will decide that Sunday Circle or Saturday morning Bible Study is worth trying out in spite of the early hours.

Maybe it’s Art Night that excites you! Is worship your thing? Or are you happy to resume one of the many other activities in our community? Or do you have other hopes and dreams for Living Table this season? If you do, please share them.

Living Table is an amazing community

I don’t think all of you realize how special a community we have. The ways we come together and care for one another always surprise me. And our outward-facing desire to share that love and care with more of our neighbors is genuine and equally amazing.

My hope and prayer for this season of new beginnings is that we will find a way to share the vitality and love this community has in bigger ways. Later this fall, we’ll try a Bring a Friend Sunday and see if others notice our joy and uniqueness.

In what other ways can we share the gifts of Living Table with those who might benefit?

Personally, I am grateful for each of you and all of us together. I’m excited to see where the Spirit is leading us as we continue on this adventure in faith. Thank you for being a part of this vital, loving community.

We wouldn’t be Living Table without you!



About Rachael Keefe

Rev. Dr. Rachael Keefe is the pastor of Living Table United Church of Christ. She was called to Living Table in 2015 after serving in many varied ministry settings since her ordination in 1992. She holds graduate degrees from Princeton Theological Seminary and Andover Newton Seminary at Yale (formerly Andover Newton Theological School). Her ministry and leadership often center around advocacy and accessibility. Her writing has been published by Chalice Press, The Christian Century, Red Letter Christians, Working Preacher, RevGalBlogPals, and others. She is grateful to be in ministry with Living Table today.

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